Redacción colaborativa en Manubot

Hace una semana llegó a mis manos un artículo de sobre redacción colaborativa mediante un software llamado Manubot [zotpressInText item="{6612042:4ZV38YIM}"]. El artículo explica la posibilidad de redactar de forma abierta manuscritos científicos. La idea central es implementar un sistema de control de versiones (Git) online (GitHub) para organizar la redacción de documentos. Este método propone un cambio de paradigma a la forma habitual de trabajar de un investigador, ya que el sistema permite visualizar en todo momento el avance del documento. Al trabajar en la plataforma GitHub es posible administrar la colaboración de un grupo de participantes numeroso. Además,…

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How to Write a Manuscript During the Lockdown

Part 1: Setting your workplace In March of this year, the Mexican government announces the suspension of activities in all the universities to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The first tactic was the implementation of social distancing ( Something that everybody can do during Coronavirus, Social Distancing). This tactic is working around the globe. However, not all the population have the opportunity to do a personal lockdown. Fortunately, academics, teachers, and researchers can. For a postdoctoral researcher like me who is doing nanoscience ( synthesis of thin-films), the main problem was to suspend the laboratory activities. My work is based…

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