What are preprints?

https://youtu.be/2zMgY8Dx9co What is a preprint? (Science communication Tool)   Preprint vs traditional paper submission.  When I was pursuing my bachelor's degree I went to a research center and the first thing I read there was "Science that is not shared is not science" then I had the opportunity to enter this fascinating world of thinkers, conquers or discoverers.    But, How to share science? There are two ways one is peer review paper manuscript where you are reporting to science community your research this way time schedule is important In my experience  1 year of research is resume in a…

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AFM training: Bruker Dimension Edge at IFUAP

Equipmen: AFM Bruker Dimension Edge  Responsible research: Dr. Francisco Flores  Day: 1 First training day on AFM Bruker Dimension Edge AFM at the Physics Institute of BUAP. This equipment will allow the measurement of topography properties like roughness and grain size. The researcher in charge explains too that it's possible to acquire electrical conductivity and work function from the surface of the films.  URL: Product overview    Model: AFM - Bruker Dimension Edge  Close up of AFM equipment Connection block card: National Instrument BNC 2110 

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