Winter vacation of a Mexican young scientist

Winter vacation on the public school system means three full weeks doing something else; personal stuff maybe,  I am not sure about working but resting is a must. As a postdoctoral fellow, I am not able to get into the university facilities to do some office or experimental work in the laboratory. That means that all the experimental work is on a pause. Well, this situation brings me to the next question. Is it healthy to continue working during vacations ?  I mean, doing some reading or drafting a manuscript for a scientific publication. For Ph.D. holders who are working…

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AFM Training – Tip functions

Equipmen: AFM Bruker Dimension Edge  Responsible research: Dr. Francisco Flores Day: 2 Today I observe how a point for AFM is changed: We need to choose it depending on the material and the measurement we want to perform. For example, the sample of today is gold nanoparticles over a glass substrate then we have tried the TAP300Al-G which is a probe from the company BudgetSensors. This probe is designed for AFM in Tapping mode and is coated with reflective aluminum. From the company BudgetSensor, we can discover the function of the tip models: No coating: is designed for topography purpose…

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