Something that everybody can do during Coronavirus, “Social distancing”

During the second weekend of March 2020, the Mexican government announced downtime for school public systems and cancellation of massive events. The main reason is to prevent the spread of the new COVID-19 virus and the failure of the health system. We have as an advantage the experience of China, Italy, and Spain fighting against the new virus. In the following video, you can see How we can reduce the velocity of spread. It is a fact that someday we are going to catch COVID-19, but if we reduce the amount of infection through social distancing we will be more…

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SEMOR-UNAM official collaboration

Solar Semiconductors Morelos S de RL de CV gets the official collaboration agreement with IER-UNAM for the development of scientific research, development of human resources, innovation, and technology transfer related to energy efficiency and renewable energies. Our company is a SPIN-OFF created from the project CEMIE-SOL by IER-UNAM students and coworkers of the P35 project. With this agreement of collaboration, we invite our colleagues to brainstorm about solutions that promote industrial applications related to renewable energies. The official announcement of SEMOR-UNAM collaboration agreement. Date: February 2020

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