ChatGPT: Estructura cristalina tipo diamante

Conversación con ChatGPT (Mar 21, 2023) Estoy revisando la tarea de mis alumnos de física electrónica. La cual consiste en describir la estructura cristalina tipo diamante (ver Figura 1). Si tomamos como ejemplo al semiconductor silicio (Si) podemos comenzar a describir esta estructura en función de las siguientes propiedades: 1. El número de átomos por celda unitaria. 2. El número de vecinos más cercanos.3. La distancia a vecinos más cercanos (enlace tetragonal). 4. Ejemplos de materiales semiconductores que presenten la estructura cristalina tipo diamante. Figura 1: Estructura cristalina tipo diamante del Silicio Ya que he revisado la tarea, se…

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How a Silicon Heterojunction solar cell is made? MRS SciVid-2017 (winner)

Looking for PV-Lab (Photovoltaic Labs ) on the web I found this video which explains the process of the development of silicon (Si) solar cells. It seems interesting so I want to share it with you. The most efficient silicon solar cells in 2020 are developed using Si-heterojunctions (26.7% lab and 24.4% module) [1]. The junction is formed between the crystalline silicon (Eg = 1.12 eV ) and amorphous silicon (Eg = 1.75 eV) deposited on each face of the wafer. This difference in energy gaps gives the name heterojunction to this technology. How a silicon solar cell (2017)…

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DIY Culture: Repair and reuse a smartphone

The DIY or Do It Yourself culture is a great way to fight against the programmed or built-in obsolesce. I have owned this phone for 4 years; since then I have kept it with me almost everywhere. This Technology has helped me to reduce wasted time in routine tasks like doing lines in the bank. This is my second battery replacement, two years ago I embrace the international battery replacement program of Apple. At that moment I realize that I will be able to keep my phone for one more year. This movement was incredible because I could start to…

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