Silver Antimony Sulfide Selenide for Solar Cells

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The International Material Research Congress (2021-IMRC) is coming next August 15-20th. In this event, I’ll be attending the Symposium C7 – Photovoltaics, Solar Energy Materials, and Technologies to present my research about the development of silver antimony sulfide selenide AgSbS2, AgSbSe2, AgSb(S,Se)2 for solar cells [zotpressInText item=”{6612042:JUKWBKTL},{6612042:YYSGZIWM}”].

I have a story with the IMRC-Congress. When I was doing my Ph.D. project, My Advisor preferred to attendant the MRS-Fall and MRS-Spring meeting in the USA because IMRC at the Caribbean of Mexico seems like a vacation! I don’t know your experience, but In mine, a research meeting let me travel abroad for the first time, and that experience opened my mind to the world!

Now with the COVID-19 situation, I will attend but in virtual mode (What a shame). I know is for our safe then I have nothing to argue. Health, Family, and Science are first!

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The Abstract – Silver Antimony Sulfide Selenide

Symposium: C7 Photovoltaics, Solar Energy Materials and Technologies
Congress participation: Virtual

  • The silver antimony sulfide-selenide – cubic-AgSb(S,Se)_2 is a potential p-type semiconductor for application in thin-film solar cells. In this work, we present perspectives of AgSb(S,Se)_2 to develop high-efficiency solar cells using this cubic metal chalcogenide semiconductor.

  • Material characterization of the AgSbS_{1.3}Se_{0.7} solid solution confirms p-type conductivity with a bandgap of 1.48 eV and photoconductivity (\sigma) of 10^{-5} \Omega^{-1} \text{cm}^{-1}.

  • The merit of incorporating silver atoms into the novel antimony chalcogenides (Sb_2S_3, Sb_2Se_3) comes from the transformation of orthorhombic structure into an FCC lattice, similar to that in rock salt structure.

  • The absorption coefficient of \alpha > 10^5 \text{cm}^{-1} in the visible region of solar radiation in AgSbS_{1.3}Se_{0.7} allows a maximum photo-generated current density of 29 {\text{mA}}/{\text{cm}^2} for a 1 \mu\text{m} thick film under standard air-mass 1.5 global (1000 W/m2) solar radiation.

  • The thin film solar cells of CdS/AgSbS_{1.3}Se_{0.7} heterojunction presents a fill factor of 0.64, open-circuit voltage of 537 mV, but a low short circuit current density of 2 mA/\text{cm}^2.

  • At this stage, chemical deposition has served for prototyping the solar cells. Improvements are expected using industrial chalcogenide growth techniques, which would enhance their carrier collection.

Are you planning a poster or an oral session?

Maybe you are planning to assist to a congress in the next moths. Is it your first time? What do you expect from these science events? If my experience in this kind of events can help you. I can write a new post attending your request. Would you please comment below?


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