Introduction 2019

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For those who don’t know me let me write a short introduction. “I am Jesús Capistran who major in Electromechanical Engineering from ITZ, and I obtain a Master and Ph.D. degree at UNAM in the area of Energy Engineering. During my first work at CEMIE-Sol (, I participate in the development of photovoltaic technology using minerals which are earth-abundant and occur here in Mexico like antimony sulfide and others.
As the innovation word come to my life during 2017-2019 at CEMIE-SOL project 35, my colleges and I found the Spin-OFF call “Solar Semiconductors Morelos” intending to bring the science done on the laboratories to the real world with a couple of products related to thin film coatings. Right now, with that experience, I’m looking for the next big thing a  postdoctoral research position or a fulltime job where I wish to put in practice all the knowledge I obtain in the innovation and renewable energy sector.
Today, I reset my personal blog with the intention to turn this space in a logbook where I’ll be able to share curated content related to science and technology. Please feel free to ask about the content. I want to share my knowledge and experience with you. I think this is the right way to build useful information. 

Jesus Capistran

Developing thin-film solar cells

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