SiO2 (Cristalino) vs SiO2 (Amorfo) (Clase 24.2)
Objetivo: Observa la diferencia entre un solido cristalino (Cuarzo) y un solido amorfo (Vidrio)

- The energy of the Si–O bond is 4.5 eV (Devine et al. 2000).
- Figure shows the 3D silica structural parameters of bond length (d), polyhedron angle (φ) and inter-tetrahedral bond angle (α) (Lide 2004).
- Prabha, S., Durgalakshmi, D., Rajendran, S., Lichtfouse, E., 2021. Plant-derived silica nanoparticles and composites for biosensors, bioimaging, drug delivery and supercapacitors: a review. Environ Chem Lett 19, 1667–1691.